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The Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act affects providers, patients, and health care facilities in dozens of different ways. Nowhere is that more apparent than in health technology. In a nutshell, it’s all about the data.

Cost-savings is one of the primary goals of the ACA. To accomplish this requires streamlining processes, avoiding duplication of  services, gaining efficiencies of operation, while delivering affordable, quality care. That’s a huge chunk to chew on. Most experts agree that innovations in health technology will be the key to making this happen. commons commons

Electronic health records (EHRs) are one tech cornerstone to success. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has a massive Health IT operation in place to help physicians better manage communication, collect data, and streamline processes. Health information exchanges (HIEs) allow physicians to collaborate by sharing patient health information across organizations and across states. Accessing and understanding a patient’s entire health history can only improve diagnosis and treatment.  

HIEs are coordinated through regional health information organizations (RHIO) – non-governmental organizations that manage a central repository under a common health information network for the various HIEs within a geographic area. Finally, those that provide health care will no longer fumble in the dark when it comes to patient information. 

Improved health IT means more data is accessible to a nurse or physician on a mobile device, lets them use specific apps to determine the latest best practice protocols, get on the fly clinical decision-making support, or check drug dosing guidelines. Secure email allows clinicians to communicate directly with patients when it’s  convenient. Robotics and other high-tech equipment also play a strategic role – increased use of these technologies improve surgical outcomes, meaning patients get discharged sooner and re-admission rates are reduced. Tele-health and telemedicine options are expanding as more care is provided in homes and other non-institutional settings.

The government is spending billions to help physician practices and hospitals transition to electronic health records and implement other technology. Opportunities abound for IT companies to partner with the government, facilities, and providers to make this a reality. 

Another key to making this work, of course, is patient empowerment. There are several initiatives by government, private, and non-profit organizations working to teach consumers to use technology to improve their health. For example, the National Library of Medicine is making an Electronic Consumer Health Outreach Award available to help consumers evaluate and connect to quality online health information. “Patient protection” would mean even more if the needs of those who don’t have access to or cannot afford computers, smartphones, and other high-tech devices are addressed too.

By its very nature, health technology means collaborative care. It’s hard to collaborate if your are among the millions that are still left out.

Health technology is a cornerstone of the

Ann Campbell

Ann Campbell

CHMP welcomes Graduate Assistant, Ann Campbell.  We look forward to working together.

Ann Campbell, RN-BC, MPH is a hospice nurse at The Haven, an inpatient palliative and hospice care program by The Visiting Nurse Service of New York, and is currently an NP student at Hunter Bellevue School of Nursing. She is the founder of Perspectives International, a multidisciplinary study abroad project that has focused on public health and development issues in Peru, and Cambodia. In an effort to learn about advocacy for patients through policy change, Ann completed her studies in Health Policy and Administration at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health in 2011.


[caption id="attachment_10043" align="alignleft" width="187"] Ann Campbell[/caption] CHMP welcomes

jamaforum-logo-may-11-20121I’m blogging for JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) on its News Forum, News@JAMA, with a group of economists, policy wonks, physicians, and health services researchers.  My latest post speaks to the “death panel” rhetoric rearing its ugly and inaccurate head again.

It’s clear to me that we need to take back the conversation about how we die and reframe it. It’s really a matter of  “choice”–consumer or patient choice. The “death panel” rhetoric limits our choices by undermining the passage of thoughtful public policies that can give us more choice in how we die. This includes paying health care providers for periodic conversations with patients and their families about end-of-life choices before we’re terminally ill. And it includes paying for hospice and palliative care as needed. Medicare still limits hospice coverage to 6 months if the patient is deemed terminal by a referring physician. (This period can be extended.)

The Coalition for Transforming Advanced Care was formed to reframe this discussion. The vision for C-TAC, as it’s called, is: “all Americans with advanced illness, especially the sickest and most vulnerable, will receive comprehensive, high-quality, person- and family-centered care that is consistent with their goals and values and honors their dignity.”  It’s founders, including former AARP CEO and marketing genius Bill Novelli, felt that “Advanced care” was a more acceptable phrase than “end-of-life” or “dying”. But I’m not sure I agree. We’re already a death-averse society: people don’t like to talk about death and dying, let alone witness it. That is, except for most nurses and some physicians. We are witnesses to death and dying. Perhaps it’s one reason why I feel so strongly that people have to have choices in dying, when possible.

How would you reframe this discussion?

Diana J. Mason, PhD, RN, FAAN, Rudin Professor of Nursing, Hunter College


I'm blogging for JAMA (Journal of the