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Saturday, September 21, 2024
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It’s not new for a College to have a website with a blog, a Facebook page, and other new communication methods.  What is special about this one is the commitment to using these new media to promote the health of the public rather than promote the College or the School of Nursing.  Congratulations to Rudin Professor Diana Mason and her long-time outstanding colleague, Barbara Glickstein for taking us on this giant step toward a healthier world!

Kristine M. Gebbie, DrPH, RN
Joan Hansen Grabe Dean, School of Nursing
Hunter College, CUNY

It's not new for a College to

Jennifer J. Raab

Congratulations to Dean Kristine Gebbie, Diana Mason, Barbara Glickstein, and everyone at the School of Nursing on the new Hunter College Center for Health, Media and Policy. The Center is poised to become a vital component of Hunter’s commitment to leading the way in healthcare policy, research, and training.  We look forward to productive partnerships between the Center and programs at the new CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College and at Hunter’s Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute.

Thank you for your ongoing dedication, and for continuing to make the School of Nursing the incomparable institution it is.

Jennifer J. Raab

President, Hunter College

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Youth Producing Change

Young people are on the front lines of many of the world’s human rights crises, but we all too rarely get to hear their point of view.” Human Rights Watch.

Center co-director, Barbara Glickstein, interviews young media makers from all over the world who are leading community organizing and social change. They have turned the camera on themselves to share their stories with the world.  These 11  films were featured at the Youth Producing Change series at the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival, June 18-19th in NYC.

A broad youth movement exists today and the media is mostly not talking about it. Even in the most marginalized communities young people have influenced decision-makers at the highest levels of power. Hear their stories on this segment of Healthstyles, produced by The Center for Health, Media and Policy here.

[caption id="attachment_174" align="alignleft" width="300"] Youth Producing Change[/caption] Young